Understanding which data collection options, stock assessments, and management measures to implement is often challenging and requires broad understanding of available approaches. The FishPath tool simplifies this process.
how does the tool work?

The FishPath tool guides users through a series of questions regarding economic, operational, biological, ecological and governance characteristics of the fishery. User answers are applied to a decision framework that matches responses to all available data collection, assessment, and management measure options. The tool highlights the relevant caveats, assumptions, and challenges of implementing each option so users can fully consider the realities of implementation and determine the best approach for their fishery. Users can also learn about each option through resources and links. New options are periodically added to ensure contemporaneity.
Fishery Diagnostic Questionnaire
match fishery characteristics to bank of options
Short list of Fishery-specific, Feasible Options
data collection
stock assessment
management actions
Explore the FishPath Tool User Guide
the FishPath tool

- Allow for more thoughtful consideration of the components of a harvest strategy
- Provide a structured platform for engagement and informed discussion
- Provide a broader perspective into harvest strategy development (as opposed to simply recommending and undertaking an assessment)
Does not
- Utilize an underlying model, nor conduct simulations or management strategy evaluation
- Recommend any single option
- Provide reference points or conduct stock assessments
- Tell you how to overcome sticking points and constraints
- Tell you how hard to pull harvest control rule levers

- An efficient decision-support tool that empowers decision-making
- An extensive repository of data-limited fisheries management options
- A platform to identify what can be done if specific caveats or limitations can be overcome
- Evolving: constantly updated to include new options
Is Not
- An assessment toolkit or software tool that undertakes quantitative analyses
- Top-down recommendation of methods or approaches without considering specifics of a fishery
- A silver bullet solution. Instead, empowers users to understand and select harvest strategy components

We thank the following fisheries science & management experts who participated in a review of the FishPath Tool during September-October 2020. Reviewers were assigned different sections of the tool and provided varying levels of feedback on the tool content and interface. Their expert feedback and comments are being used to improve the content and user experience of the FishPath Tool, and we are sincerely grateful for their time, experience, and input.
Ricardo Amoroso, Beth Babcock, Omar Defeo, Todd Gedamke, Stefan Gelcich, Austin Humphries, Carlos Montero-Castaño, Carl O'Brien, Andre Punt, Adyan Rios, Rishi Sharma